Our Commitment is to educate a pupil in mind, body and soul. Modern methodologies are employed to facilitate learning. Teachers follow a set curriculum, which shapes and integrates learning. Pupils are helped in developing linguistic intelligence through creative writing, public speaking etc.


To nurture the students as global learners, the Academic programme of the school is based on curricula drawn from the CBSE. It is constituted in three stages: Primary, Middle and Senior Secondary. The curriculum is activity based with mix of conventional learning.


The curriculum for the primary and middle students is carefully designed so that the students actively participate in the teaching-learning process rather than doing rote-learning. Teachers show pictures, animations and presentations to the students to make learning easy and interesting. The use of smart boards in teaching makes the classes interactive and sound. It generates the interest of the learners and they get involved in the discussions. To help the students to grasp the concepts, teachers not only the explain the texts of the books but use models, pictures and class room activities so that the students would get a clear understanding of the topics. Students are given every opportunity to interact and discuss rather than doing passive learning. Chapters are supported by worksheets and activities to evaluate the understanding of the students.

The monthly planner is send to the parent for awareness of the curriculum and every Saturday weekly planner is sent so that the child is well prepared for the activities and classes for the coming week.

The cluster group activities introduced at all levels in school has helped the child to gain peer experience with responsibility and team work. The group activities can be graded or ungraded depending on the teachers’ planner.


The assessment is as per CBSE norms. The academic session is divided into two terms, Term I from April to September and Term II from October to March.

There is a continuous and comprehensive evaluation based on worksheets, projects, home Assignments in the scholastic and co-scholastic areas. The students are awarded stars on the basis of their performance.
Promotion to the next class is based upon the child’s overall performance in the scholastic and co-scholastic areas during the session. A detailed profile of the same is communicated to the parents from time to time through fortnight status reports of every child.

This formative phase decides the professional life of a student. There are thousands of questions in the mind of students. Therefore, the Academic programme is customized in a way to facilitate not just textbook learning but also to enable students to get familiar with the world outside. At MCPS Junior we believe that education implies every phase of the process by which it seeks to develop socially significant abilities and characteristics in its students. The faculty is well-geared in their planning and management to help students strike a perfect cord between academics and co-curricular activities. Excellence in Education and Commitment to a meaningful Education are of prime importance. Quality education is provided to each and every child.