The teaching force at MCPS junior is highly trained and skilled with minimum three years of experience in teaching and handling kids. The school has dedicated PE and Music teachers who are also trained and skilled in their field with state level accolades by their side. The ratio of 30:1 is maintained in the school and one on one attention is given to each child.

The Administrative Block of the school is a compact block that includes the Reception, Director’s Office, Vice-Chairman’s Office, Principal’s Office, Accounts Office and Administrative Officer’s Office. All the information regarding admissions, withdrawals, fee submission etc. can be availed in this block right after the main entrance. The beautiful garden outside the block and lush greenery marks the entrance to the school.

Administrative Block
The teaching force at MCPS junior is highly trained and skilled with minimum three years of experience in teaching and handling kids. The school has dedicated PE and Music teachers who are also trained and skilled in their field with state level accolades by their side. The ratio of 30:1 is maintained in the school and one on one attention is given to each child.

Academic Block
The Academic Block of the school is a three-storied block comprising spacious and well-ventilated classrooms. The Examination cell of the school is also housed in the Academic Block. All activities related to Examinations are operated from the Examination Cell. The Academic blocks highlights are its smart class rooms with fine comfortable modern furniture and unique smart boards for teaching. It is spacious to hold maximum strength of 40 as recommended by CBSE.

Assembly Cum Sports Ground
The Sports Turf Ground is an Assembly cum Sports Ground equipped with the latest and most sophisticated light and sound system to host functions and other stage shows.

Auditorium Hall
The Auditorium Hall situated at second floor with over-head projector, sound system and all other paraphernalia required for conducting workshops, Interactive sessions, shows, prize distribution etc. The capacity can cater around 500 students at a time. The space so built helps in creating a cinematic experience for kids.

Laboratory school classrooms may be observed by university professors to assess the student-teacher, but this is conducted without the students or student-teachers aware of the observation. The observers want to avoid creating a distraction or disrupting classroom activities.

The Techno Studio is a junior computer lab. The lab is equipped with a network of computers and the students are exposed to net-surfing for collecting specialized information, Project work, and Power-point presentations.

Maths Lab
Mathematics Laboratory has been introduced for active learning and for making mathematical learning joyful and interesting. The lab is equipped with a number of models like Number meter, Number apparatus, Cuisenaire strips, Pocket Chart, Dominoes, Fraction Disc, Watch Model, Spike Abacus, Geo board and many other such models to facilitate the students to develop the concept of numbers in an easier way.

Robotics Lab
MCPS Junior is a pioneer in providing computer education starting right from nursery class. As a result they get tech savvy right from the initial stage of their education. Computer Education & NeoRobos are part of our school curriculum. The MCPS Junior family believes in providing practical knowledge to our students through a different kind of curriculum for computer from EZ Vidya, Chennai named “Chrysalis”. It is a well graded curriculum covering areas like creative thinking, societal thinking, scope and sequence, multiple intelligence and so on.

Resource Centre
The school has set up a resource centre with the objective of designing and developing the resource material for both Scholastic and Co-scholastic areas. The center also caters to the need of record keeping and documentation as deemed essential for the assessment of each and every student. It is also equipped with all CBSE updates and Manuals for the growth and empowerment of the teachers. The faculty members utilize the available resource for planning and designing assignments.

Indoor Area
It provides space for various games such as, table tennis, chess, badminton, roller skating, yoga, aerobics, school band and so on. We have a good music facility to develop creative and acoustic skills in the learner.

Books are the best friends of every child throughout life. Some books are to be tasted, some swallowed and some our digested forever. At MCPS we have a rich library of over 1500 books for all age groups. The library is that place where a child is lost in the world created through books. The books are issued by submitting their library card. In a month only 2 books can be taken by a child for reading purposes at home. If the book is damaged or lost then the child has to bear the cost of the book or return a new book to the library. The school also has a reading club where the child brings from home the read books and exchanges it with books of other children. In this way the reader gets to read different genres of books.